Life Style

How to Take Care of Oily Skin

Proper care should be taken when choosing products to use on the face especially if you have oily skin. This is a skin type that is difficult to deal with but by doing the following tips you can conquer oily skin and have beautiful skin. Oily skin type involves excessive secretion of the skin’s natural oils, sebum that blocks the skin pores and leads to skin problems such as acne formation and shininess. The following are some useful tips and practices to be followed to attend to the necessity of the skin with regard to oily skin.

  1. Use a Gentle Cleanser

Opt for a mild, foaming cleanser which is developed for use in oily skin individuals. Washing the face twice a day, in the morning and before one goes to bed, ensures that a lot of the oils, dirt and other impurities are wiped away but without overly stressing the skin.

  1. Avoid Harsh Soaps

They can cause mild inflammation of the skin and this is an indication that the skin is over-compensating for the stripping off of the sebum. If possible use products which do not contain alcohol and other related chemicals. A Best Dermatologist in Islamabad can help you further in this regard.

  1. Avoid Over-Exfoliating

Exfoliating is not always good for your skin if you over-do it, it causes the skin to become irritated and produces even more oil. Clinically it is wise to follow a particular skin exfoliation regimen that is appropriate for the skin’s condition.

  1. Choose an Oil-Free Moisturizer

It is important to introduce moisture to the complexion even if it is oily. When applying the moisturizer, ensure you use the light kind of moisturizer that does not contain oils; specifically the non-acnegenic type of moisturizer.

  1. Use Sunscreen

It goes without saying that sunscreen should be applied to all types of the skin. It is recommended to pick a special wide spectrum, oil base, and non-acnegenic with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin against dangerous UV rays and not to clog the pores.

  1. Apply Toner

Toners can be useful in making sure that there is complete cleaning of the skin after washing by getting rid of the remaining oils and other dirt on the skin. Choose the toners with the inclusion of witch hazel, salicylic acid and tea tree oil which are effective for oily skin.

  1. Opt for Oil-Free Makeup

Thus, it is recommended to use oil-free and non-comedogenic products because these makeups do not clog the pores. Mineral makeup is also suitable for persons with oily skin.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Greasy and sugary food can worsen the skin condition characterized by excessive oiliness. Concentrate on taking products with a lot of vitamins and reduce chances of taking processed foods; this involves taking more fruits, green vegetables and lean meats, and whole grain products.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Consuming large amounts of water aid in washing away dirt as well as regulating the secretion of sebum that causes acne.

  1. Avoid Touching Your Face

Putting your hand on your face causes you to stimulate the oil glands and put more pressure on ‘acne-prone’ areas of the skin inhibiting the skin’s natural regeneration process. To reduce the percentage of contagion, endeavor not to touch the face components frequently.


Oily skin requires a proper regimen and cleansing program to address the excessive secretion of sebum without neglecting the skin’s moisture content. With the correct range of skincare and following the guidelines mentioned above, it is possible to treat oily skin and have more beautiful skin. In case your skin is extremely oily or your acne is rather persistent, you may need to consult a dermatologist for recommendations.

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